My name is Paola and I'm a working mom who loves to blog. When it comes to buying and selling products, most moms turn to other moms for advice and insight. So who better to help promote your product than a mommy blogger?

Here are a few options to help promote your product to the mommy community.

Product Review:
Get exposure for your product with a review. Send a sample of the product for reviewed, allowing us 2 weeks to test the product and we will post our review on our blog and Reviews page. I reserve the right to keep all samples being reviewed. I value my readers, therefore all reviews will reflect my honest opinion, whether positive or negative, of the product being reviewed.

Host a Contest or Giveaway:
Promote your product by giving it away! Get three months of free advertising by hosting a contest or giveaway. Ad spaces include a 160x160px space on my right sidebar that is visible on every page of our website giving you a prime advertising location and a product review which will be featured on my blog and Reviews page.

Participate in a Blog/Twitter Party:
Donate a product or two (or three...) for one of my Blog/Twitter Parties and get three months of free advertising. Ad spaces include a 160x160px space on our right sidebar that is visible on every page of my website giving you a prime advertising location.

Purchase an Ad Space
For more information or to become a host contact me at
If you choose to take part in one of our giveaways, you take on the responsibility to ship all prizes to recipients.

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Weekend Warrior

Weekend Warrior @ MommyTLC
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Weekend Warrior @ MommyTLC" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Weekend Warrior @ MommyTLC" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

The Social Elite

The Social Elite @ MommyTLC
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Social Elite @ MommyTLC" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Social Elite @ MommyTLC" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

I Sit with The Cool Kids


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