Thursday, August 18, 2011
I'm probably one of the last to get hooked to this, but at least I'm not clueless about it!  Thanks again to the amazing Eve for introducing me to Pinterest!  If you're already an elite member of the Pinterst community, kutos to you!  If not, don't fret, I was in your shoes just days ago.  It's not just one of those sites you can simply sign up for, it's by invitation on, which gives it that "eliteness" feel.  You too can get in on the fun, just shoot me an email if you'd like an invite!

As I was saying... I'm totally hooked!  You know how it is, you're surfing the web finding all kinds of great articles, decorating ideas, recipes you want to try and so on and so forth.  Then a few days later you want to go back and try to find that same page and wham, it's no where to be found.  Unless you bookmark every stinkin' page of interest, chances of finding the exact thing your looking for without having to google it or search the entire website all over again {or even creating yet another account on some random site just so you can keep track of a couple things of interest}, it can be downright frustrating!

Thank the heavens above for Pinterest!  Now, as you surf and find something of interest, just Pin It.  All your pined items are stored for you and organized by category.  My latest addiction has been home decor and organization.  I'm all about having a place for everything and everything in it's place!  So here's a few of my most recent Pinterests:

This stairway is just divine! I'd love to do something like this in my home and make the stairway  little more interesting as well as adding some beautiful family photos.
Leave it to Martha to come up with something like this! Great way to add a little extra storage when you don't have the extra space.  This is on my To Do list for sure.
"Honey, where's the remote?"  That'll be a thing of the past, as long as I can train hubby to put the remote back after he's finished! Just kidding :)
Love this! Organized and pretty!  My goal, get my linen closet to look like this.

?Keeping inventory never looked so good.

There's plenty more where that came from but I'll save them for another post!


Anonymous said...

Hey lady, thanks for the shout out! I love me some Pinterest! I'll be following you shortly...these are some super cool pins, I'll def have to repin them. I love Pinterest for home and cooking ideas mostly. Man, it is highly addictive!

Sofia @ From PDX with Love said...

I love me some Pinterest!! It is addicting to say the least! But oh so much can I find you on Pinterest?

Unknown said...

Thanks Sofia! that's the link to my pinterest page.

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