Wednesday, July 27, 2011
It's just another Manic Monday!

Let's kick of the week with a blog/twitter/facebook hop! But only link up just 1 of the 3!

1. Follow your host, MommyTLC, on the linky form with your blog, twitter, or facebook page.

2. retweet/facebook, Friend Feed, Dig, stumble, whatever this hop. You can do this with the share buttons on the right hand next this post or with the awesome Wibar widget at the bottom of the page. The more people who know about this, the more fun it is...and the more followers.

3. Follow who ever follows you! Of course you might have to initiate a follow by following people on the linky.
That's it!

Manic Monday Blog Hop

If you would like me to follow you, leave a comment and your URL to your blog, twitter or facebook page!

It would be nice if you displayed the button in your post or blog sidebar and/or add the Linky Tool to your blog by clicking on the Linky below to get the code. I simply ask that you only link up Family Friendly Blogs, Twitter or Facebook accounts only.  Link up, have fun and kick off the week with a blog hop bang!

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